“These girls…”


Serving Jah is sweet indeed;

but so much more with these awesome 3.

They wake up early to join me;

in worshipping Jah with much joy & glee.

These girls are on track!

Good sense they don’t lack.

They make an effort to serve;

slowly building up nerve.

As I reflect back to when I was their age;

in this book called life, an earlier page;

I felt quite divided by indecision,

didn’t really get what was the mission.

But these girls are on track!

Good sense they don’t lack.

They recognize the importance

and act in concordance! 

As I got older and gained experience,

my life took shape; made a little more sense.

I slowly learned the importance of purpose,

to have a guide; a trustful compass.

But these girls are on track!

Good sense they don’t lack.

They truly teach me to be

a better version of me!



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